Personal Narrative: My Choice To Return To School

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The choice to return to school in and of it's self is one that requires a great deal of thinking, research, preparation, and decisions. During the mix of applying to schools and financial aid, we sometimes lose track of the degree of deication and commitment that is required once returing to school, myself included. This is my thrid time returning to school, primarly for this reason. Althought I have failed to complete higher education, up until this point, I have drawn out a success plan this time, before even beginning to look for a potential school, to ensure not just my success but that of my family as well. After long conversations with my husband and hours of thinking, I decided, that before I started the process of looking for school, or even applying for financial aid, I need to setting goals for myself. With doing this I was able to figure out when I wanted to start school and what time frame I wanted to finish in. Figuring out how much time I would be able to decicated to completing my degree was my first obstacle. Being a wife and mother of two little boy, in addtion to working a part time job, I found that I had some diffculties in this area. I overcame this by constructing a schedule which consist of all my daily obligitions as well as family time requirements and balanced time that my …show more content…

So far I have it has be very managable to complete class assignments, that is, wih the use of my calendar of schedules and deadlines. I review my calendar at least 3 or 4 times a day just to insure that I am completing not only all my school work but also everything else that I need to accomplish that day. Procasination has always been one of my biggest problems espeically when something comes up that is distracting. I am working very hard to take all possible precauios the prevent me from possibly procasinating any of my school work til the last

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