Personal Narrative: My Dad

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I have to throw away the books I’ve drank, so my dad won’t find them and ask what happened to the words. What would I say “I drank the words cause I’m and ink drinker.” I definitely couldn't tell my dad. My dad is one of those who believe that only God's creatures have the right to roam this earth. If you're not believed to be a creature of god a mob comes a chases you for days trying to kill you. The last one the mob chased out a young girl who her friends claimed that she was a witch.They chased her through 3 different towns trying to find and kill her. Definitely don’t want that happening to me! Tomorrow is the first day of school. I’m scared something bad might happen. “Jason!” my father yelled, “Over here,” I yelled to tell my father. …show more content…

The book was Afterlife; it was about Lucas who was brought to Evernight to learn to control his bloodlust. Bianca accompanies Lucas to Evernight where she discovers other wraiths and meets the mysterious Christopher. This book might help me control my inklust. When I got back to school instead of doing work we helped rearranged and decorating the classroom. One of my friends named Heath was moving some glass cup and dropped them. While me and him were picking up the glass Heath cut himself badly on his left wrist. There was blood all over the floor inside it felt like I needed to drink it. I grabbed Heath’s wrist and covered it so I wouldn’t have the urge to bite him. I think since I haven’t been drinking blood that I’m not allergic to it. The smell of the blood lingers in my nose. Maybe I can drink both blood and ink. The teacher took Heath to the doctor to heal his wrist. The teacher told us to clean up the mess of glass and blood. Heath and the teacher came back Heath had his wrist stitched and wrapped. After we got done decorating the class, the teacher let us go, so Heath couldn't use his hand, and since we helped decorate, she let us leave …show more content…

I had no chance of finding one so I had to do a despicable thing; steal a book. I walk into to a bookstore and I kind old man greeted me and asked if there was anything specific I was looking for. I said no and just began walking around the store. Later I finally was at the back of the bookstore. I had seen an old little spot hidden away where no one could really see. I had remembered this it was my old spot where I had seen Draculink for the first time. So the old man I had seen he was my father. My mother had died of old age, I knew this because he had picture of her with the year she was born and when she died and my brother and sister had moved on. My father was still here all alone take care of the thing that he loved most his books. I started my new life under the name Heath McBriar after my best friend. I haven't seen anyone I know besides my father. I happily own a bookstore I close at lunch and order more books while drinking one. All of a sudden I hear a scream. Some one through the window saw me drinking the ink from the book. I had no choice but to go get her. In my mind here we go again. The only thing to do is turn her. So she must keep the secret the secret of the ink

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