
Personal Narrative: My Definition Of Family

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The biggest decision
The word family has many definitions, but only one of the definitions stood out to me; according to Merriam-Webster family is described as a group of individuals living under one roof and usually one head. When I was twelve years old my parents and I had to make a decision that would change my life forever. This decision came the day before my elementary school graduation, I lived in Puerto Rico at the time with my mother Raquel and my half-sisters Paola and Dylailah. My dad Angel came from Rhode Island to be at my graduation. After my graduation the plan was to spend summer vacation with my dad and his wife Johanna and my half-brother Kevin and half-sister Naomi but, my parents believed that it would be better for me to live with my father and his wife and my half brother and sister in Rhode Island. I was not ready to leave everything that I have ever known but, there was for a good reason for me to leave since my parents worried about my safety. My parents were worried that if I stayed in Puerto Rico that I would be a teenage parent like them, a drug addict like many of the people they knew, arrested, or killed. They also wanted more for me, they wanted me to go to college since they did not. I know that it was a tough decision for my mom to let me go but she did this for me because she loves me. …show more content…

I was not able to enjoy the movie like I wanted because I was nervous of having to live in Rhode Island. Rhode Island and Puerto Rico have a lot of differences in Puerto Rico although you learn English in school you only learn the basics so I was not confident in my ability to speak English and knew that it would be tough for me to make new friends. In Rhode Island I only knew my stepmother's side of the family from a time that I had visited them

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