Personal Narrative: My Experience As A Student With Diversity

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Diversity is an intriguing and yet a controversial topic. There are both professional and personal inferences for it. My explanation of diversity or interpretation of the word will be changed throughout the course of this class. I am looking forward to expanding my knowledge and depth of the implications that diversity has as it pertains to my professional and personal experiences.
Prior Experience with Diversity
Before enrolling in this course, I had an erudition of what diversity meant. I grew up from large family with interracial parents. From the start, I understood that being in this type of family meant that I was born into miscellany. On a professional level, I have learned how some companies encompass diversity because it can lead to more success. I believe this is true and it has shown in the current company I work for, which has employees and clients all over the world. We are able to reach a larger clientele by being a company which encourages multiplicity. More specifically within my department, we work with an outsource team from a foreign country. We are able to incorporate another facet of experience in working with them and with other clients from around the world.
Experience as a Student with Diversity
As a college student, I have realized the many different …show more content…

From the article “Defining Diversity”, I was able to read about five of the forms of diversity from the European workplace. They are as follows: older workers, members of ethnic minorities, members of certain religions, women, and workers with disabilities (Wynne, 2012, pp. 32-33). Upon reading the article, I immediately thought of how my department and organization shows its forms of this diversity. In relation to the forms discussed within the article, our department has a good mixture of physiognomies of