Personal Narrative: My First American Civil War

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I was one of the greatest generals that America has ever known. I was also the first president. I fought for the British in the French and Indian War and I fought for America in the fight for independence from that same country. I was a foot soldier for the British, and I was the general of the Continental Army. This is how my life went.
I was born in 1732 into a Virginia planter family. My family was wealthy. We owned land in Britain which was granted to them from Henry Vlll and his family held distinction in England. When my grandpa, Lawrence Washington, moved to Virginia we lost most of our wealth. We also lost a lot of money during the Puritan Revolution.
I was sent to Britain for my education. I was supposed to adopt the ways of a colonial gentlemen but the death of my dad changed my course. He died when I was 7 years old. Then I was homeschooled until the age of 16. Also, when I turned 16, I became a …show more content…

They held it for the rest of the war. They drove my troops northward. However, this time the Americans firing from behind trees and rocks, stood their ground. It was the British who fled this time. It hadn’t been much of a battle, but at least the Americans had won for once. The Americans were driven off Manhattan. Now we knew that the British was going to capture Philadelphia, which was were the government was located. The British general, William Jersey, strung a line of forts through New Jersey. He believed that if he forced the people of New Jersey with encouragement that they would stay loyal to the king.
In late 1776 I decided that an American victory would hearten people and encourage them to provide me with supplies. I would attack the British post at Trenton, New Jersey just up the Delaware River. I meant crossing the river in the winter is always dangerous, but I would have to risk it for the people and the supplies. I would attack on Christmas Day, when the Hessians were posted there, most likely