Personal Narrative: My First President To Office

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When I first took power and placed executive orders in favor of my country, I thought that satisfaction will be the first feeling that will be enthroned into my heart. The feeling of serving my country was something that nothing can replace, but as I came to a close into my last terms, it was a heart attack that struck me. It made me realize that not everything satisfies nor has a happy ending, but there is always a path to every end.
It was a nice day when I woke up on November 8, 2025. Having my beautiful wife right beside me, and my two daughters across the room, I watched the television to witness the election, knowing that if I won, I will eventually become the youngest president ever elected to office. It was a shock at first, but I diminished …show more content…

After the diplomatic issues with our last president, and his taste for untouchable, indestructible structures in our borders, to redirect and fix relations with other countries sounded like a marvelous idea. I remember that I prepared a list of all the countries’ embassies within our land, and chose to which countries I should give priority first. My worry was the invasion of the Rhone River in Lyon, France, because a terrorist group that proclaimed to be called “The Red Band” had possessed a parcel of the river. I never thought that the problem will have extended to a worldwide problem, …show more content…

They told me that they examined my plans, and would like to extend on the “Relations with Foreign Countries: Section 42”. They thought that it was a great idea to chat relations with France to start off, because of The Red Band invasion of the Rhone River. So after taking my breath and placing my final belongings, I headed toward The United States Foreign Bureau to talk and discuss the plans with my fellows administers. “To let The Red Band go and continue these incongruous actions is to let France fall into ashes, therefore I request a petition to the president to directly eradicate and remove The Red Band from the Rhone River and from France by military force before this turns out to a worldwide problem.”, said Chief of The Army John L. Stanford. “If we proceed with this acts and petitions, however, can possibly destroy relations with France