Personal Narrative: My First Vietnamese Massacre

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On Jan. 30,1968 I was doing my usual duty on the ground floor of the American embassy in Vietnam. I was working as a Marine guard since I was 19 years old. At midnight, I heard gunshots while I was thinking about my family; my face was full of tears. At that time, I did not imagine there is a serious issue to worry about, but all of the shooting and explosion seemed very near. A few moments later, the embassy building was jolted by a loud explosion. Automatic weapons broke out, and the rocket began to thud into the building. At that moment, I realized we were under attack, but I did not know who were they or how many of them. Fearfully, I grabbed my m16 and moved to the room's window. I glanced through it and saw a few of Vietnamese soldiers. Suddenly, the phone in my room rang. I grabbed the phone and answered, I was very harassed. It was a call from the communication room on the third floor asking about me and the situation on the ground floor.I told him I could hear them talking inside the building, but not in the embassy building itself. The officer said to me that "there are around VC 20-man commando squad had blown a part of the wall that surrounding the embassy ." VC and NVA soldiers used 122mm rockets and 7.61mm AK-47 which made by Soviet their primary supplier. With this attack, the communists …show more content…

I managed to kill some of VC soldiers with help from my colleague; he was brave as a lion. Minutes later, I saw him lay wounded and cover with blood but didn't appear to be a critical injured. I called the person in charge at the communications room asking him to come and get him up. Soon, he came downstairs using the elevator, we picked up the wounded and put him on the lift to the fourth floor and placed him on the bed. We gave him some water and Bufferin tablets. The person in charge took his 38 revolver and moved to the communications room. He managed to call Dr.Holleran the embassy doctor, but he refused to