Personal Narrative: My Greatest Accomplishments

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“A dream becomes a goal when action is taken toward its achievement” - Bo Bennett. When Bo said these words he had a mind set that everyone should have while working toward something in life. It is very difficult to work towards something if there isn’t a final goal in mind, people like to work for things this way they can see a “final product”. As we see these final products, it shows us a “thing” that we completed, it shows that we were actually working for something. People need to focus more of their time on creating goals and working towards them Not only as a student, but also as a person I need to set more goals. Goals help in the long run because they keep us organized and focused. With out thinking about what I want to accomplish, …show more content…

It took eight years and many short-term and long-term goals through out those years to make it happen. I had to plan the time it would take to finish projects for my merit badges and for my Eagle Project.
My Eagle Project took months to plan, and along with all of that planning there was a project book that I created which had all of my goals in it. My goals that I set for my project helped keep me on top of everything that took place to help the project move as smoothly as possible. I still set goals in my personal life to this day, maybe not as many as I should be. I need to start focusing on school more and setting my short term and long term goals so that I can focus on what I want/need to learn and where that will lead me in the future. Even with little goals, starting a paper weeks before it is due so I have the proper amount of time to revise it for example, will help in the future by helping me to not procrastinate as much. I have started to use some of the books examples from the Anti-procrastination plan and am going to start using the planning calendars that the book provides to help with my lack of goal setting in