Personal Narrative: My Internship In Haiti

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When I was fourteen I felt called to the mission field. At sixteen I took an internship in Haiti. I lived on the mission field for a month, and I realized I did not like it as much as I thought I would. The discovery crushed me, but I kept it bottled up inside of me. I told absolutely no one how I felt. At eighteen years old and as a graduate of high school I had no idea where I was going. I began to experience a breakdown. I felt as if my life had no direction and no purpose. I began to lose my faith in God and questioned everything I once knew. In response to my breakdown I sought out rebellion. I had a full ride to Texas State and I fully intended on taking it. I would get away from my parents, my family, accountability, and leadership. …show more content…

Every single person has strengths and weaknesses. Where I am strong someone is weak, and where I am weak someone else is strong. As the body of Christ we each need each other. Even when we do not realize that we are important God still is there to remind us of how important we are. No single person is more important than the other. Each part of the body has to work together to advance the kingdom of God. If just one person was missing the void would be felt. Every person from the pastor to the door greater is needed. Each gift is needed. Those who a natural woos flourish as greeters and any other place they can meet new people and start new relationships. Futuristic people get a vision and push the church forward. People who are responsible keep those around them accountable and on the right track. People who are great communicators are needed to lead a group and present direction. Positivity is needed to build up the church through encouragement. No gift is too small or unnecessary. Each gift is needed to push the church along and serve people. As each gift serves the other the body of Christ works smoothly. As we work together we become one in Christ. No longer is it about who is the better leader, but how can the body as a whole profit. When we realize that the pastor is no more important than the person who holds a door open jealousy, pride, and bitterness fall away. When we work together and truly love there is no room for gossip. When we begin to see the love of God at work the lost are reached and God does the work for and through us. We become the true vessels and not our own captains. The church then flourishes and becomes a beautiful sign of God’s hand at work. When each gift is used and appreciated people are open to love and begin to walk in the calling God has placed on their lives. Vocation of the church is given a new meaning when each gift is used and each calling is