Personal Narrative: My Journey Across La Linea

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My brother has just told me that he is having a party. Looking very confused, I really don 't know what the party was about but I just didn 't Bother to care. My brother Miguel and I had a very strange Relationship. There are many times were we just hate Each other and we argue a lot. But there are sometimes were We actually like each other.

It was one very hot summer day. Miguel,grandmother and I started setting up for the party. Still confused,I didn 't really know what this party was about,I was very confused, I noticed that Miguel was very happy about having this party which made me even more confused. The only thing in …show more content…

The next day I went to the kitchen to eat my breakfast possibly for the last time. When I finished I went to my room to get all the supplies I need including,food,water and things to use as shelter. All of these things would help me make it through my journey across La Linea. Questioning myself on what I needed to complete this journey, I realised that I had no money while I was gathering my supplies. How was I going to make it across the border with no money that isn 't possible. Looking back, I know my grandmother did not have any money so my only choice was to ask Juanito, don Clementes nephew. Feeling some guilt inside,I know it wasn 't the right thing to do but it had to be done. A couple hours later I headed towards the house of don Clementes. Once I arrived, I knocked on the door looking for Juanito, Juanito answered. Once he answered I explained to him how much I really needed money.

"Juanito I really need your help"
What do u want Elena?"
"I really need money to be successful throughout my journey to cross La Linea"
"Why should I help you Elena ?"

At first he did not want to help at all but after further explanation he decided to give me money but only if i payed Juanito back. Desperately needing money,I told him I would and I asked him for a route to cross La Linea. Juanito agreed and gave me plenty of money to survive and he also gave me a route to La Linea. This was very helpful and I thanked Juanito.

"Thanks for helping me Juanito, it means a lot."

I know Miguel was gonna hate me for this but this had to be done, there was no other

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