form of condensation has formed over my window and leaves are flying in the wind, I wake up and say today is the day we leave for America. I walk into the kitchen and eat a bowl of porridge and my papa tells me that is the last meal we eat in France. My mama hands me two small leather bags and tells me I need to pack clothes in one bag and I could pack what I wanted in the other.
As I pack my few belongings I think of all the things that I will do in America and all the opportunity's I will have. Then I think about what we will have to leave behind because we cant take much. I start to think about my grandparents and my aunts and uncles and how much that I would miss them. I glanced at my room one more time before I left then I handed papa my two small bags and he put them in our tiny buggy.
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It was so cold and I had only a thin sweater to wear and it felt like I was trapped in a glacier. After seven miserable days we reached the port. We handed a man that worked with the steamship company our tickets and boarded giant vessel. The first and second class passengers went up two flights of steps and my family and I went down three flights of stairs. The third class passengers were considered steerage because we stayed at the bottom of the boat.
The conditions was so poor not even a tiny rat would want to be there. It was so crowded, it felt like I was in a can of sardines and you could not even move. The stink was so awful it was a stench of sweat and other nasty smells combined. The first night on board was miserable because everyone started getting sea sick and people were vomiting everywhere and one man even vomited on my new sweater my mama had knitted for me but luckily I had another