Personal Narrative: My Myers Briggs Personality Style

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My Myers Briggs personality type is: INFP Introvert 11%; iNtuitive 12%; Feeling 25%; and Perceiving 22% After taking the Jung Typology Test I have noticed that some of the questions asked pertained to my personal style like asking if I am organized and neat at my work place and also if I am never late to appointments. I’ve learned about myself that I am shy, work based on what feels to be true without reason, have a moderate preference of feeling over thinking and more understanding than judging. I feel that most of this is somewhat true concerning my personal managerial style because I would’ve felt …show more content…

According to this test it considers me to be shyer rather than interacting with others. I feel that I am in the middle between introverted and extroverted because I don’t like working in large groups as much as I do in smaller groups and also find it relaxing to be alone but also love to interact with others at times. Being iNtuitive sounds like me after reading up on it. I am interested in new things and think more about the future than the past but one thing I did learn was that in intuition, you learn better by thinking a problem through than by hands-on experience which I feel that I learn better through hands-on. New information I found about was to be more moderate to feeling than thinking and being perceiving than judging. After reading more into on their website I feel that this is true. In perceiving they describe it as working in bursts of energy, I am casual and loose and also like to mix work with play but keep it to a …show more content…

From reading articles on the traits and characteristics I have found that type A personality mostly describes my personal self. I am usually stressed over the smallest things, can sometimes be competitive, and also impatient at times. I also feel the need to have time urgency and stress over being late at times which with so much stress caused to ones self can have negative effects on the body such as heart disease or high blood pressure. I feel that I can be a mixture of both at times because for type A personalities they are sometimes described as aggressive and I don’t see myself being that but in type B they are described as relaxed, tolerant of others, and also feel less anxiety which I describe myself