Personal Narrative: My Perceptions Of INT201A

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Many Soldiers choose to build lifelong careers in the Army; I did, when I medically retired from the Army after 10yrs of service. I chose to use many valuable benefits available to me. Retiree benefits can help me pay for college with my 911 GI BILL. So, I decide to pursue my bachelor’s degree in Business Administration at Colorado Christian University. The valuable military training and experience I receives during my time of service often makes getting anything done considerably easier. Although I feel like I’m going to face some difficult challenges, because I’m going from “a do what you’re told,” to a “do what you are supposed to do on your own.” That’s scary to me a little bit, other challenges I have in my life at this time I just had a new baby boy 35 days ago and I have a 13yr old daughter with ADHD and other difficulties. So I wonder am I going to be able to keep up with assignments and not fall behind because I really want to succeed.
My first perception of INT201A before I ever entered into the class:
1. I’m going to get the help I need, and the understanding of College life to be successful.
2. I don’t have to be afraid because I’m in an environment with people like me. There are several things that have happened in my life that will affect my education here at CCU. …show more content…

I was medically retired because an ongoing disability no one really can see (PTSD). A little bit about this dis order” Some of the most common symptoms of PTSD include recurring memories or nightmares of the event(s), sleeplessness, loss of interest, or feeling numb, anger, and irritability, but there are many ways PTSD can impact your everyday life. Sometimes these symptoms don’t surface for months or even years after the event occurred or after returning from deployment. They may also come and go. If these problems won’t go away or worse—you feel like they are disrupting your daily life—you may have

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