Personal Narrative: My Personal Statements

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While every single word in this personal statement is true, I would have been naive if I had asserted the following statement even a few years ago; maturity, experience, and deep-seated introspection allow me to say with confidence that I now fully understand and appreciate the significance of being given the opportunity to attend law school. As what should be every other applicant, I have faith in my ability to succeed throughout my education and legal career thereafter. What experiences, characteristics, and abilities demonstrate why I am a more desirable candidate as opposed to, for example, someone with a somewhat similar occupational background, grade point average, and score on the law school admission test?
“I mean this lovingly, but I’ve never really worried about you… I always knew you were going to be all right.” These are a few of the words my mother said to me at some point during 2013, the year she passed away at the age of fifty very early in the morning December 26th. This was just a few days before I was supposed …show more content…

Searle is not only the Willis S. and Marion Slusser Professor Emeritus of the Philosophy of Mind and Language at University of California Berkeley, he is also the author of one of my letters of recommendation for law school. While his Philosophy of Mind class helped to elucidate some of the most basic but prevalent questions with regard to how one is to acutely understand consciousness and the mind, it was Professor Searle’s Philosophy of Society class which fortified an appreciation for the power structure that is law and of the role of those who create, maintain, and enforce law. The concept of rights, rights being adhered to through obligations of duty by others, and the physical reality which can be affected through this respected process. As a philosophy major, I have the mind and training to tackle analytic problem-solving while also being able to appreciate the subtleties that separate one of these problems from the