Although most of my involvement has centered around politics, where I have been an active volunteer in the current election cycle, my service also extends to the homeless community in the Quad Cities. After recognizing the extent of homelessness in Davenport, my friend decided to start a nonprofit 5K to benefit a local shelter and I immediately joined in the venture. By working with the shelter rather than independently, we were able to avoid the faults set forth in To Hell With Good Intentions. Our good intentions have donated over $10,000 to King’s Harvest Ministries, who uses funds in a way that raises the standard of living for the local homeless
Please describe any extracurricular activities, special talents, or community service projects you have done, and tell us what you have learned from these experiences. Posadas are a ritual celebrated in Mexico right before christmas, it is supposed to re-enact Mary and Joseph's search for a lodging in Bethlehem. It is basically a party where people sing from door to door and end up in a family gathering where they share gifts, and typical mexican food, everyone always seems happy in the posadas. Some orphanages do not celebrate posadas or christmas because the do not have resources or the means, so Macro Posada, which is a non for profit organization that makes sure that orphans and kids with scarce resources spend a happy christmas and feel loved. I volunteered to help 2 years in a row; I had to recollect money to be able to build a little fair with mechanical games, to buy gifts for
As I am quickly approaching the end of my senior, I am looking back at how far I have come since freshman year and everything that Henley High School has helped me accomplish in my life. In preparation for the life that every senior must experience after school, the senior capstone project was put in place to help seniors find out what they would suit them as career and give them some of the necessary tools in achieving that. Part of the capstone was earning service hours at a non profit organization, that can go on a resume. With serving came a facilitator, who guides one’s service, and also the challenges and success of the service itself. To Provide help on future careers, Henley High School also provided an opportunity to take the CIS test
It was a cold November morning in the valley of Cowan, when I fired my first shot. It was a smooth and clean feeling after I pulled the trigger. I than saw the deer hunker as the slug hit its side, and it began to run away from us. Dad, knowing I had made a good shot, still decided to jump out of the blind window to end the animals suffering. Unfortunately, when his foot caught, it was all over from then.
What I done this past year to contribute to the Alameda community Learning Center is that me and my friend, Justin planned the fundraisers for the class of 2019. We almost raised 700 dollars for the whole class of 2019 students. Also, I was elected to be an officer of the red cross club next year. So ,my next year 's plan is that, I will encourage everyone to join the red cross club because they can help change the world and aclc, and they can get their community service hours.
Something needs to be done to really help these veterans and get them back on their feet. If I had one year to organize a volunteer project I would devote my time to really helping these veterans. The plan would be to organize a group of volunteers here in Charlotte, North Carolina (because it is a local problem) and open up a place to feed the homeless veterans specifically. If I could do this project how I wanted to I have a lot of great ideas.
My project was designing, building, and installing ten bat boxes and ten birdhouses in a golf course owned by the City of Portland. This project taught me how to deal and interface with government officials, Boy Scout executive's, material suppliers, and laborers. After obtaining all the necessary approvals, I led a group of about fifteen people in building and installing these structures. The project totaled about 300 hours of work.
Our purpose was to host a Vacation Bible School and share the love of Jesus. I was ready to make an impact on their lives, but they made a bigger impact on me. They lived in very poor conditions. Most of the children ran around with no shoes, and it was evident that hygiene was not of much importance. It was amazing to spend a week with such loving children.
When I first witnessed the obstacles that individuals in homelessness face, that is when I knew that it was my mission to aid this population. I was tired of witnessing the people that I knew, the people that I loved, and complete strangers enduring homelessness. I was tired of the way people degraded and discriminated against a subculture that they didn’t even seek to understand. I could never really understand how society justified homelessness, but I sought to channel my energy into creating lasting change. Homelessness has been an area where my heart always broke for.
By just giving some financial support to house homeless children, I realized that helping individuals in faraway countries is just as easy as helping local charities. I also learned about the importance of working with
My mom and I would stay up and discuss politics, and I took interest in the changing world around me. This was when I began to understand the importance of community service; the crushing reality that our country was so far from perfect astounded me. I felt morally obligated help fix the broken world in which I lived-- and still continue to live-- in, whatever it took. Around that time, a woman named Anna Landgrebe became public about her non-profit organization Homeless Bus.
A person can have various mentors at a time to help them with everyday needs or activities. Whether your mentor is a teacher to help you with your education, a coach to guide you and push you to the limits to help you get physically and/or mentally into shape for a sports game, or it can simply be your parent(s), to give you advice on life or if you need help with a problem that they can fix. Anybody can be your mentor if you look up to them and they help you and teach you in way to challenge you and become the best you can be. One of my mentors is my parents, who give me helpful advice to my problems and make me feel great about myself to raise my confidence so I can carry out a task or goal. Another one of my mentors is my Tennis coach who
My Personal Narrative It started like any other day. I was in my classroom doing my work like usual. Around the afternoon my dad walked in.. I was really excited to see him. He asked my teacher if he could talk to me about something serious.
One terrifying event that occurred about a month or so ago has left a strong impression on my dad and me. It was for my dad’s birthday, his fiftieth. Since it was his jubilee birthday I thought that he deserves something special. In the morning I jumped at him and told to pack himself up. We drove for a few miles and got to the forest, in which I decided we should spend a day.
While the majority of my volunteer experience was throughout high school, the event that started my path of volunteerism impacted my life significantly. At eleven years old, I discovered my charitable desire after experiencing the intrinsic value gained from helping others. My church group decided to “adopt” a struggling family; a grandmother responsible for eight young children and unable to pay bills. These children were debating dropping out of school and getting in legal trouble. Our entire church donated, resulting in several boxes full of resources for the family.