Diversity Personal Statement

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The presence of diversity is what brings unity within society as it enables people to learn about and care for each other. Growing up in a high school that allowed students of various races, religions, and social classes to celebrate their culture has prompted me to be public-spirited and to care for my community with an altruistic mindset – characteristics that will definitely help me to be a compassionate physical therapist. A plethora of experiences has inspired to be inclusive and open minded when caring for people. Thanks to the high school librarian I assisted, I got the opportunity to fundraise for an orphanage in Tanzania. By just giving some financial support to house homeless children, I realized that helping individuals in faraway countries is just as easy as helping local charities. I also learned about the importance of working with …show more content…

As an individual who enjoys being physically active and creating new workout plans, I try to inform others about the benefits of exercise such as preventing cardiovascular diseases and prolonging muscular development. Even as I was shadowing my outpatient physical therapist, he delineated the various benefits of performing the prescribed exercises, which let the patients know that he took the time to structure an exercise plan for them and is determined for their rehabilitation process to be successful. He also records their pain levels and progression for each session to see if certain treatments are not effective. After shadowing him, I realized that not only treatments will work, but he never gave on any of his patients, regardless of the severity of their health condition. I hope to be persistent in caring for my patients just like the physical therapist I