Personal Narrative: My Shield Speech

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TToday I gave my shield speech, it went better than I thought it would. I'm glad it went well, though because I put a lot of time and effort into my speech. To prepare for my speech I first had to write it obviously. After that I made my poster, that took a few hours. Then I wrote notes on my speech on note cards to help me remember what I was going to say. After that I spent a lot of time practicing. On Thursday I practiced at least 5 times. Then when I wasn’t doing anything in my free time or in PE I would go through it in my head. I also practiced a couple of times over the weekend. When I was up in front of the room, I was little nervous, but I was feeling a lot better than I thought I would. I could tell I was nervous because I was shaking a little. There were also a few times that my voice was shaky. Once I was finished, though it felt good to just have it done. It felt like there was a weight lifted off my shoulders. It felt nice to just be done and not have to worry about it anymore. After giving a speech there is always something that you feel you did well at. Something I feel I did well at was expanding on my points and talking about them in full. I was able to talk about everything and tell stories about almost all my points. I could describe a situation that my point related to, but not go …show more content…

How you may ask well you never know when you are going to have to give a detailed introduction about yourself. One time you may have to give a detailed introduction is at a job interview. At an interview, you will have to be able to tell the employer about yourself in a detailed manner so they can get to know you. You are going to want them to know who you are and all the great qualities you have to offer. Another time maybe when you're meeting someone for the first time. You may need to tell people about yourself so you can get them to like you for who you are and the important things in your