Personal Narrative: Overcoming My Inner Battle

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Overcoming My Inner Battle

Everybody is going to run into obstacles in his or her lifetime. Overcoming conflict makes someone a stronger person. It makes reaching a desired goal that much more rewarding. I have not had much hardship in my life so far. I make good grades, and I have a loving family that has always been financially stable. I think it is a good thing for someone to face problems that cause that person to have to struggle a little bit. It builds character and it can teach people a lot about themselves. One thing I have learned about myself within the past couple of years, is that I do not challenge myself enough. This narrative is about me overcoming my inner battle to push myself out of my comfort zone.

Throughout my childhood I stayed doing things that were comfortable to me. I did not become part of a dance team or a youth group or anything like that, because I was scared of doing things I have never done before or being around people I did not know. When I started middle school, my father said to me, “You need to choose a sport that you like and try out for it.” I told him that I do not like any sports at all and he said that I need to try it to make friends, and since I was …show more content…

Usually, if I found a certain class had too much difficult work or I did not like how the instructor taught the subject, I would switch into another class. At the beginning of my junior year, I was put into an advanced placement English class. I soon decided to switch out of that class and into an honors English class because I felt the work load was too much and the teacher was too strict on grading. “I regret not staying in AP English because it would have benefitted me and it would have helped me improve my writing skills,” I said to my mom later in the year. She encouraged me to take classes of higher placement in my senior year so I could still have a chance to push myself to my best