Personal Narrative: Seth Owirodu

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I am writing to inform this college of my inability to provide the financial information for my non-custodial parent, Seth Owirodu. My father has been out of my life since the fall of 2011 due to his lack of financial support and unfulfilled family responsibilities. During that time, we lived in a three bedroom, two bathroom house. One of the rooms was used to store his belongings, another was his bedroom, and the last room was the room my mom, siblings, and I stayed in. Cracks populated the house, allowing rodents and snakes to enter. At that time, my mother was pleaded with him about moving into a better home (a promise he made) by combining their income. However, he lacked any apathy toward her suggestions.

A few years prior as a four year old, I learned more about his apathetic nature. One afternoon, my father was carrying my sister in the hallway. My mother asked me to get her so we could go to the grocery store. However, when I asked him to let my sister come with us, he refused. An unwelcomed fight was started by him against my mother. It ended up with the neighbors at our door, myself shooed away into the car, and my sister unharmed. …show more content…

That day, I held trash bags for my mom to place our clothes and utensils in. We went straight to her sister's apartment to stay in a place already filled with six people. During those years, our location fluctuated between his house and my mother's home because of his unkempt promises. He eventually convinced her to sale her house in order for use to move in with him and buy a new