Personal Narrative: Skiing The First Time

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One of my favorite things to do is to film an activity with gopro and then edit it later that day. When I first got my gopro I didn’t know how to use it very well but over time I got better and as I got better, I started to enjoy it even more than anything because it was easy simple and I could do it wherever I wanted to do it. Whenever I’m editing it’s like I get sucked into a hole new world and when i’m editing I think it’s been 30 minutes but really it’s been 2 hours. Over the past 2 months I have had my gopro it has easily become one of my passions. Another one of my passions it to ski the first time I had skied was when I was 10 and we went to colorado and the first time put on my skis I was a little intimidated by the ski lift because