
Personal Narrative: Surviving Who Changed My Life

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parents; having everything you need, to being completely on your own; with no one but yourself to rely on. How do some people do it? They seem to survive pretty easily actually. I envy those that money is never an issue to. Coming from a once poor family to a now financially stable life, it’s hard to not think of starting at the bottom again. Once a teacher told me, that 70% of people will not get out of the financial class they grew up in. So there is a chance of me facing the same financial struggles my parents faced. Seeing my mom work so hard, for so little money, made me realize how much having an education is important to me. Surviving is not living. I will strive to be that 30% that will make it out of the struggle. The motivation …show more content…

Then there is the group of friends on the verge of tears, trying to get their essays done, while also trying to balance their schoolwork. So they can get into the school of their dreams. But is the stress, I wonder, worth it? Most think so. I always saw no point in stressing so much about getting into your college of choice. You could stress as much as you want but it won’t make you more likely to get in. So what if you don’t get in? There are always plenty of other schools to go to. Whenever I think of my future I feel sick. If I tried hard enough I could probably get into a university. But seeing myself as an already easily stressed person, I think I’ll pass. My friends find it weird how stress-free I come out to be. The truth is I’m always stressed. Even though I have no special school to get into, or long essays to do, I’m constantly in a state of stress. Why? My path to graduating has been bumpy lately. From barely passing classes, to failing some, it’s a constant struggle. Senior year was supposed to be an easy year for me, but my graduation requirements aren’t making that happen. But knowing how I work I will probably

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