Personal Narrative: The American College Testing Program

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My father always told me “Experience is the best teacher.” I recall my exact actions prior to an important test that determined what college I would be going to. The American College Testing Program, otherwise known as the ACT. Weeks before the test date, I failed to thoroughly practice. The only practice I thought I needed were the practice tests my teachers provided me. Undoubtedly, I was wrong. Something possessed me to go on about my business, and that it was just like any other standardized test schools use to determine where you are standing. So I did just that, there were many students who had the same notion. Some even skipped out on the test, but I knew better than to do that. Finally, when it came down to test day, I felt fairly ready. Our teachers read the directions and timed us as they were instructed to. We then began testing. I breezed through the English and reading sections, under the pressure of the timer. It was no real burden to me because I have a special place in my heart for Literature. However, the other tests were a hassle. The time was ticking, and my nerves were as well. When it was time to move on to the writing section my stomach dropped. The timer …show more content…

A couple months later, during the summer, when I came home from work, I realized I got a letter from the testing center. I immediately opened it in trepidation. I feasted my eyes on the bolded number that had the title “Composite Score” above it, and my heart sank. It read a “19”, I was content but not satisfied. My mind was telling me that the college that I was hoping to attend would not find that score acceptable. On a hunch, I deemed it a failing score. It did not comply with how I knew I could perform. Overtime it began to eat away at me, academically. To think that there would be no chance of me getting into my dream college if I were to follow through with that score, vexed