Personal Narrative: The Day I Drive A Car

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I was about 6 years old when I first broke a bone. It was around 3 o 'clock I was riding the four wheeler with my mother and 2 brothers and younger sister . My mom made us take turns on the four wheeler when it was my turn My brother took me to help him make trails. In all that day we made a total of 10 trails and shortcuts to get to our house. When we got back home my step dad 's friend was over at the house and they was racing the four wheelers we had two racing four wheelers and a Honda 280 after they got done My mom let me drive the four wheeler by myself. I was doing a great job by myself at first. I drove my oldest brother and my little cousin around. I let them get off and my step dad was on the other four wheeler and I was following him around the yard because I was to little to drive on the road or in the trails. I drive around the house to the front and was trying to go out …show more content…

My mom came over and helped me up and I told her I