Personal Narrative: A Career In California

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Alameda County California. I grew up in Oakland, California and went to Franklin Elementary School. When I was in the 5th grade I moved to Hayward California and went to Eldridge Elementary School. As a transfer student, I felt different from everyone else and my learning abilities were different. I learned quicker than others and was more intellectual than they were and because of these things I never really had friends. I passed all my classes with A’s or B’s. My grade average was high and I was prepping for college courses. My family had been telling me of all the great things I could do but never prepared me for the hard times to actually achieve any of these goals. During my summer break of 2011, I broke my ankle on father’s day. I broke my tibia, fibula and cracked my platelet in my ankle. My mom rushed me to a hospital where we waited two hours for me to be seen. After a while my mom got frustrated and very impatient she then helped me back into the car and rushed me to children’s hospital where they wheeled me to an emergency room and put me to sleep. They began to place my bones back into place. …show more content…

I woke up with my leg wrapped up all the way up to my thigh. While my mom and I waited a few more hours, we had some laughs until the doctor came and checked me out. Then we were on our way. We went home and mom helped me into the house. I laid on the couch and wouldn’t talk, so my mom made me a hot pocket to make me feel better. I wasn’t hungry. That was the day I started experiencing depression. After two days I started back eating like normal and moving some, but life had gotten frustrating because I was not able to