Personal Narrative: Tim Hortons

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When I was seventeen I worked at a fast food restaurant called Tim Hortons. It was my second job and I surprisingly didn’t hate it. Actually, I really quite enjoyed the people that I worked with. During school days I would work the evening shift, which was from 2 P.M. to 10 P.M. Then on the weekends I would work in the morning from 6 A.M. to 2 P.M.. Tim Hortons being known for its coffee and doughnuts was it’s busiest during the morning hours. So, to help out during the busy weekend mornings, the storeowner would also come in and work. Though the storeowner was a relatively nice guy, he had a tendency to be quite a jerk when things didn’t go exactly how he wanted. One morning I really had the chance to see his lack of professionalism in the work place and his lack of leadership skills. It was Sunday morning and I had just pulled into the parking lot. Though the parking lot was pretty empty, I noticed that the drive through had a long line already started. Right then I knew it was going to be a busy day. Sunday mornings were always the busiest because of church traffic. Sundays always meant a bunch of pre orders that had to be made and last minute big orders. Usually, the rush would come and go and we’d have a pretty decent break until lunchtime. But that day was different. We had a nonstop crowd of …show more content…

It was a stressful day, not just for him, but also for everyone. But I think that the way he acted really showed his lack of professionalism and also a lack of leadership skills. After the incident I talked to some of the other employees and learned that the owner had done similar things before. I believe that has a owner of a business and as a leader, you should never insult, degrade, or physically harm your employees. For one, it doesn’t make you look good, especially when most of your employees are high school students. Two, it doesn’t make your employees want to be there; it ruins the