Personal Narrative: Vietnamese Student Association

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Joining organizations at school is a very common subject to be conversed around college, even before college. There will be constant rambles from advisors and other upper-classmen to join clubs and organizations as a first-year student in college. Throughout college, this type of concern is something everyone generally informed of. Even through all the important reminders and advices that students receive from others, there are still many students who are refusing to execute the first step toward joining an organization due to lack of motivation, knowledge, or courage. However, VSA, otherwise known as Vietnamese Student Association, is not just any typical organization on campus, it’s a family. Being a first-year in college compared to high school was completely bizarre as I was more precarious and skeptical of the steps I had to take. It took me awhile before realizing that the small building I passed was what I was looking for. The door that leads to a mini hallway that connected to the office was like every other door, clear glass with a blue frame. The only distinctive part was the name printed on the door. I paused at the door that proudly hollered out “Asian Pacific Student Programs” in Costco Hall before I decided to …show more content…

“Recently, we had a past event, otherwise known as Friendship Game, where other schools’, including ours, VSA came out to deepen our bonds and friendship with one another.” I felt my excitement die down from not being able to engage. Christine seemed to sense my grief and disclosed “We have many upcoming events involving meeting other freshmen and upperclassmen in the clubs. It’s not all about meeting new people, but it also helps the new members decide if they want to participate in the A.C.E program as well as choosing your big brother or big sister. You should come out to check it out if you have time.” I was elated with my recently discovered information. I was determined to make sure I was present at these