Personal Narrative: What It Means To Be Human

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We all start out the same, as small vulnerable creatures known as infants, not born to be Black, White, Asian, Hispanic, rich, or poor, but to be human. Humans are born with the possibility of being great no matter the background, but not all live up to that potential. Of course those who do can be as legendary in history as Napoleon, Genghis Khan, Gandhi or more recently Nelson Mandela. Yet these people were not born to be Rulers and Social Reformers, but to be human, it was them who earned the greatness and put it towards what impassioned them.
Halfway into my freshman year, I was only loyal to the idea of the here and now, and so I paid the price. I was narrow minded, overweight and underachieving, not caring about the future or my well-being. I was on the track of being a loser in my high school career. Being seated next to Dylan Pinard during …show more content…

He was, at the time, No.1 in the class, and I had no idea why the teacher put me with him in the back. My sense of status and achievement was put into question. I asked myself “do I deserve to sit with this kid?” As weeks went by, I conversed with him and could tell that he was the type who started strong out of the gate and never let up. The perfect foil to who I was at the time. Then it hit me. As I began to participate more in class and study, I started to see that I could get the same scores as he could. I knew just as much as he did, but didn't have the rigor inside to actually compete with him. My whole perspective was put into question. I started to see that I was performing under par for no good reason. I needed to strive toward my full potential. I knew I was late to the party, but I kept in mind that the blunders of