
Personal Narrative: Work At The La Guardia Airport In New York City

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I was following the routine. I reported for work at the La Guardia airport in New York City. I did he standard preflight inspection: "weight and balance figures; the amount of fuel needed to get to Charlotte, North Carolina; the takeoff, climbing, and cruising speeds" My first officer, Jeffery Skiles, was at the controls. We trade off; it was his turn to be in command. Skiles hit the throttle. I called out the appropriate speeds. At 3:25, we were airborne over the Bronx, headed out toward the Biggy Intersection. From Biggy, we would head south over Washington D.C. toward North Carolina. The controller cleared our climb to 15,000 feet. The skies were clear and calm. This was the last day of my four-day workweek and I was to have all
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