
Personal Narrative-Woven In The Fabric

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Woven in the Fabric The stereotypical noise of an alarm clock surprises me out of my slumber. It is 5 a.m. on a Saturday. I am barely awake. Although most people would not like to start the weekend this way, I love getting up for work.There a 20 residents there relying on me. Groggily I wipe my eyes, time to get up. Throwing a thick layer of blankets off of me, I stand up. My first step to getting ready is picking out a pair of scrubs. I glance at my closet lined with colorful tops of various lengths. I push aside my everyday clothes to see my scrubs. I have almost 20 different pairs of scrubs; all with varying designs and colors. Shuffling through, I reach a pair of navy blue scrubs. I have had these scrubs the longest. Getting these scrubs was a big moment in my life. My mom has been a nurse for all of my life. When I was young, she would come home late from the night shift, exhausted. But, she still gave me a goodnight hug and …show more content…

There are four pockets on the top and six pockets on the pants. All of the pockets are sturdy. The scrubs are a deep navy blue with no stains or discolorations. They feel comfortable. Wearing these scrubs is like having a constant embrace from my mom. I grab my keys and name tag and head outside. Its 5:30, my shift starts at 6. I am right on time. I work at the Harmony House in Pierz. It's roughly a 25 minute drive from my house. It's not too bad of a drive compared to where my CNA classes were. Between the months of June and August I drove 40 miles to Brainerd to the Central Lakes College. On Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays I sat in a classroom/mock hospital room for 8 hours. They were about 20 other students of varying ages. Every day was full of lectures, tests, and skills training. These were some difficult months. I was juggling having a job and the class. But, it was worth it. The final week of my class I got to do clinicals at a retirement

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