Personal Nursing Philosophy

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An Examination of Personal Nursing Philosophy
Arianna Mailloux
Ashley Collins Harris
February 19, 2018 Introduction
Section I: Personal Philosophy of Nursing
- I assume that persons are individuals with their own thoughts/feelings/beliefs/opinions
- I believe that considering thoughts/beliefs/feelings of the client is beneficial to their health
- Values/Beliefs of the client should be respected/considered when making healthcare decisions(V)
- I assume that persons are worthy of respect
- Persons should be involved in their healthcare decisions(V)
- I believe that all persons have inherent worth
- All persons should be treated with dignity and respect(V)
- I assume that health is dynamic
- I assume that …show more content…

From these realizations I have concluded that the professional nursing theories which most align with my own philosophy is a combination of Jean Watson’s theory of human caring and Rosemarie Parse’s theory of human becoming.
Watson’s theory of human caring outlines the science behind caring as a driving force and framework for practice in nursing. It explores the concept that “humanities address themselves to deeper values of the quality of living and dying, which involve philosophical, ethical, psychosocial and moral issues” (Watson, 2005, p. 2). Within her original text, Watson outlined 10 “carative factors” which bridge a gap between the science of the healthcare field and the holistic nuances of nursing itself and the phenomena that is the human …show more content…

Such as instilling hope, development of helping-trusting nurse-client relationships, promoting expression of feelings and promotion of teaching/learning. The carative factors also support holistic healing of the whole person by creating a supportive environment for physical, mental, sociocultural, and spiritual healing, and allowing for exploration of existential-phenomenological thoughts. Section III: Cross-examination of Personal vs. Professional Theory

Parse, R. R. (1998). The Human Becoming School of Thought: A Perspective for Nurses and Other Health Professionals (Rev. ed.). Thousand Oaks, California: SAGE Publications, Inc.
Thompson, C. J. (2017, October 10). What are assumptions, beliefs, and values in nursing theory? [Blogpost]. Retrieved from
Watson, J. (2005). Caring Science as Sacred Science (1st ed.). Philadelphia. Pennsylvania: F. A. Davis