Personal Reflection: Learning Goals And Entrepreneurship

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In this paper, I will outline my goals and expectations for this course. I will check whether I have achieved my learning goals by describing and examining two of my learning experiences I had during this course. In the end, I will try to reflect on how I can use this increased self-awareness in the future.
Since I started studying International Business Administration, I have had the desire to learn as much as possible about topics related to entrepreneurship. Besides being autonomous and unrestricted, I have always found the concept of leading others very interesting. I hope to become an inspiring leader, who assists in the personal development of employees. Knowledge and understanding of theories on how to achieve this are essential in order to achieve my goal. Therefore, I was highly motivated to learn about theories on, for example, motivation, leadership and emotions. I had set a goal to examine relevant theories and envision how I would implement these in my own organization.
Apart from this learning goal, I had also set numerous performance goals. Elliott and Dweck define these as goals “in which individuals seek to maintain positive judgments of their ability and avoid negative judgments by seeking to prove, validate, or document their ability and not discredit it.” (1988, p. 5). These goals are prioritized by the university, in the form of tests and assignments in which the student has to conform to certain requirements and criteria. Learning by failure is not