
Personal Statement

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Family, school and environment. This has what my life right now has come to and are the biggest and most important factors that has shaped me up today. i chosen these things to consume my life and what make up me as a person because I deeply understand that all the decision I make or assert will impact me in the future. Now I would like to start my journey at my birth. Originally from Hong Kong China, I've always grew up and learn to understand the culture in how the people in Hong Kong work. This life style was very fasted paced, and always occurred with daily events to goals that must be accomplished. But this is very much contrast by the lifestyle or culture we have here, in north America and specifically Toronto. This transition from fast …show more content…

The continuous emphasizes of how important a good education is needed, has always ran big in my family. As much as school is important, you must find a balance to fit other extracurricular activities outside of school then just simply always having your nose in a book and studying. School is the essential for the future and is mandatory in order to get a good education. Without school, you will lose so many great and life changing opportunities. Opportunities like a university or a college degree will all abolish if you don’t take advantage of this availability to you where many people may not be as fortunate to have access to. A quote from Warn Buffet, "the more you learn, the more you earn". From this quote, he states the more knowledge and information you consume, the more money you will likely make in the future. But most importantly, learn from your mistakes and errors. F.A.I.L stands for First Attempt In learning. This is the best thing anyone could do because you can involve from your mistakes, as nobody is perfect. The things that I have messed up with, will now forever stick in my head. For the future I really suggest you to try your hardest in school and well as maintain a social life, to make connections and practice the art of socializing. Most importantly, learn from your mistakes and try to involve yourself as a person. Going to school is only a short portion of life, so make the most out of it! Work hard, play hard, make connections and friends, and just live life at the fullest. I hope school will be a great eye opener to you and experience many things that will prepare you for the

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