Personal Statement

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My interest in Medicine have been developing since a young age having being exposed to it since childhood. The research aspects of this fields appeal to me greatly. For my A-levels, I have chosen 4 subjects that I would like to continue studying further and into more detail. These subjects would allow me to explore many opportunities and allow me to pursue further education in Medicine. The first subject I have chosen is Maths. The logic that goes into problem solving captures my interests widely. Moreover, this subject would allow me to pursue a wide range of careers. Having achieved an A* in GCSE Statistics and a predicted A* in GCSE Mathematics, I feel that this subject would allow me to excel greatly.

Next, I have chosen to continue with …show more content…

This is an essential subject alongside Biology and Maths and would further consolidate my understanding of different aspects of medicine. It would significantly improve my analytical skills

These subjects would allow me to obtain a firm foundation for further studies and provide me with an abundance of skills. To cope with increased demands in subject choices for the sixth form, I will work hard in every subject, utilizing my free periods to revise and strengthen my knowledge and understanding.

As part of my extracurricular activities, I assist swimming lessons at Evolution Swimming for 2 hours a week. I engage in this service because of my interest and practice with swimming from a very young age. I have also participated in swimming galas and competitions from DC as well as my previous school. In addition to swimming, I also participate in the cross country ECA. Over the last year, I have participated in and won multiple Aquathons in my age category and my interest and training in these sports continues to grow. I also participate in weekly maths mentoring as an ECA. My interest in medicine is best exhibited at the Medical Review ECA. It has helped with the significant progress of research and presentation skills. This club has taught me a lot about aspects of medicine and different fields available. Outside of school, over the summer, I also volunteered at the TYC Ramadan program dedicated to helping the less fortunate.