Personal Statement

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Carl Rogers quote “The good life is a process, not a state of being. It’s a direction not a destination” really spoke to me on a personal level. I have a perfectionist personality. I am often always looking forward to the next goal. In college, this was a constant struggle for me. Even now as a graduate student. I am too busy focusing on completing personal goals that I fail to enjoy the process. A prime example of this is when I was in my undergraduate career I was so busy focusing on getting into graduate school. I devoted all my time to getting good grades that I forgot to simply just enjoy college life. I was rushing on the idea of just getting accepted into graduate school and starting the next chapter of my life. Rather than just enjoying being a young college student. I still have this mindset as a graduate student. I’m currently only in my first semester and I’m already looking forward into just simply getting a school counseling job rather than just enjoying being a graduate student. I should be sitting back and self-reflecting on the fact that I achieved one of my life goals to be in a master’s program. I should be enjoying this time in life. I shouldn’t just be looking forward to my “final destination”. …show more content…

I am actively learning that disappointments shouldn’t be viewed as negatives, but disappoints can actually be viewed as positives. Disappointments lead use to think and reflect and make radical changes in our life. Prior to taking this class I didn’t get into graduate school for Speech Language Pathology. But this set back made me take a year off of school. I got a job working as a teacher assistant in the guidance department at my local middle school. If I didn’t have this set back in my life I wouldn’t have had the opportunity to fall in love with the school counseling field. I am now learning that this set back was just part of my