Sample Of Admission Essay For College

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Education has been more of an opportunity rather than a chore. I have never viewed graduation as closing the book. I have always thought of it as an introduction, something that would shed light to the rest of the story. My lifetime goal is to become a brilliant engineer and change the way humans live through innovation. Words like devoted, committed, maybe even obsessed come to mind when people learn how I have prepared myself for my future.
In eighth grade, I was given the opportunities that most schools could not offer. I was able to take Spanish 1 a year early, expediting my foreign language credits. This meant I would be able to fit another STEM class in place of my language elective during my junior year. I was also allowed to switch the required typing class with an introduction to engineering class that focused on using Computer Aided Design software known as C.A.D. This class taught me the basic functions of a program that I was able to use during my engineering classes in high school. It contributed to my interest and success in those classes. Being gifted in math, I was selected to …show more content…

I have taken classes such as communication applications during the summer break to ensure room for a civil engineer course. Instead of taking the basic sciences, I have thrived in AP Physics C. During my senior year, I will be completing AP Chemistry to support future lessons I receive from my college professors. At the end of my junior year, I signed up for a mini course of Calculus AB. After 10 weeks of tutorials, I gained sufficient knowledge and was granted entrance into the Calculus BC class for my senior year. While the College Board exams may allow me to test out of a subject, I may elect to take my major related courses again in college to achieve a better understanding of all concepts. I will do this to ensure success in my future Chemical Engineering education and post-college