Personal Statement: A Career As A Nurse

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We never know where life will take us, but it's always good to have a plan. It's good to think about the future you desire and have a clear idea of what you want. Knowing what course you want your life to take will help you face whatever obstacles may come your way.
We probably all want to become a very important person, have a really good career and have a nice well paid job. But for me... all I want to be is a simple registered nurse. Being a nurse is much more than just looking after a patient, a nurse has a variety of jobs where there primary job is to take care of the patient. The responsibilities of being a nurse include educating the patienct and the audience about the variety of medical conditions and providing emotional support. Registered nurses perform variety of job duties during their shifts like working on different patients from pediatric to generic or specializing in numerous us areas. Consulting with physicians and other health care, treating medical emergencies, administering medication and treatments, recovering post-operative patients and many other jobs. …show more content…

I didn't think that becoming a nurse I would be using math. Nurses use math frequently, they use addition, fractions ration and algebraic equations each day to deliver the correct amount of medication to their patients or monitor changes in their health. Other nurses are called to use math outside of medicine admiration. They must calculate intake and output of their patience, which means adding every cubic centimeter of fluid taken in by any route and the amount voided or otherwise released body. A patience doctor may need to know the number of calories the patient has consumed that day. Nurses use math on their daily job routine and that something I learned about the