Personal Statement: A Career In The Medical Field

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Many people think about college everyday. Right now I am surrounded by my classmates all thinking about the same thing. Where do I want to go? Do I even want to go? How do I get started? Everyone gets so nervous, and everyone has the right to be. We are all trying to take the next step in moving on after high school. I have already come to a decision about the previous questions. I know I want to go to school, and I want to attend the University of California, Los Angeles. For starters, I’m not quite sure what exactly I want my essay to say. There are so many things that I want to write about in such a short essay. I am a really indecisive person. I always make sure I think about everything carefully before I make a decision. …show more content…

Pursuing a career in the medical field has always been difficult. There is a plethora of things expected of doctors and they, as medical professionals, need to do their very best to meet those expectations. First off, all throughout high school I’ll need to take as much biology as I possibly can. Being a neurosurgeon means being very familiar with the human body. This will also be my major in college, aswell. Biology is definitely one of the harder sciences (along with chemistry), but it is doable. Next is four years of medical school, majoring in brain surgery and neurology. This is where all of those biology courses come into play. The hard part is the very last step on the path to becoming a certified neurosurgeon. Six to seven years of residency. Here, I’ll obverse professionals and be under their wing. After that, the real work begins. I’ve always wanted to do something important. Something bigger than this town, or the people in it. Something that makes a real difference. My whole life, I’ve been on a journey searching for that something. I have now seen what I’ve missed before. It wasn’t that I didn’t look in the right places. It wasn’t that I didn’t look hard enough. I had to let my destiny find me. I know in life that things don’t really happen for a reason, but I do know that most things appear to be in our favor. With that, I’m going to let my destiny play out, no matter if it’s in my favor or not. Going onto say, neurosurgeons can benefit all types of people. On a daily basis, they see extraordinary cases of brain illnesses and cure them, as if they weren’t there in the first place. Life is one of the most precious gifts a person can receive or give. Giving someone a new life (or start) is the most important of