Personal Statement: A Letter To Parents, Staff, Students And Stakeholders

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Dear Parents, Staff, Students and Stakeholders,

It is with great pleasure and excitement that I get to become a member of the Crestview Elementary community. I am humbled to have the chance to be a part of the leadership team at a school with such a rich tradition that has produced so many exceptional students. As the newly appointed Assistant Principal, I have had the pleasure to meet many parents, teachers and students. From these conversations, it is evident there is a shared partnership between all stakeholders to provide the best possible academic experience for our students. I look forward to developing these relationships and working with teachers and staff to provide an outstanding educational experience for our children.

I graduated from the University of Florida’s College of Education with degrees in Elementary Education and Education Leadership. I have been an active member of the Alachua County School District for the past twenty years. I have spent my career as a Third Grade
Teacher, Fifth Grade Teacher, Mathematics and Reading Intervention Teacher, and the Florida Continuous Improvement Model Facilitator at M. K. Rawlings Elementary School before being transferred to Crestview Elementary School. Deciding to become an administrator came from a …show more content…

The elementary school years are a crucial time for children, where they gain the fundamental skill necessary for their futures. The experiences of these years will have a lasting impression on their growth and development. We will focus on developing socio-emotional skills, mastering the Florida Standards skills, using data to inform instruction, consistent implementation of teaching strategies to increase students’ achievement, and providing exciting and challenging enrichment opportunities for all

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