Personal Statement

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Today, the society we live in is more interconnected than the society of our parents and grandparents. As a result of the explosion of social media, internet, and cell phones the people of our world are starting to become more connected than ever before. This causes our thoughts, technologies, products, philosophies, and business to spread throughout the world more quickly. This action is called globalization. Globalization is not something that anyone can stop. It is an evolving organism that will continue to grow faster as the years pass. The world will continue to become a smaller place the more that technology connects us. When people connect, they tend to do more business together. This causes developed countries to have a broader outlook on world …show more content…

With all this trade going on there has to be people making sure everything is running smoothly. That is why I am interested in learning about and pursuing a career in international trade and marketing. I am interested in learning about how international trade functions. The United States has had a trade deficit for multiple years. I would like to contribute to improving our balance of trade and help create a trade surplus where we export more than we import. This would lessen our dependence on other countries, and possibly help us reduce our national debt. I am interested in learning how a seeming endless supply of different products are being sold all across the world, and why some products, services, and companies fail, and why others succeed. I would like to learn about different cultures, and what types of products they have accepted into their society, and why. I want to learn how different cultures operate, and do business. Countries outside of the United States have different laws about conducting business. I want to learn how a company makes a decision whether or not to release a product in a different