
Personal Statement

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I am currently a freshman college student. As a college student, I would say a strength of mine is that I am a highly dedicated student. On the other hand, a weakness of mine is that I always feel as if I have to work harder than everyone else. I believe I gained my strength of being a highly dedicated student from the fact that I always felt as if I had to always work twice as hard as all the other students in my classes because I constantly feel that I am not good enough. To a small degree I would consider my weakness, as my strength. My top three scores on the Engage scales were study skills, general determination and academic discipline. I would deem these to be my top strengths. For one, I always had to study more and work harder than everyone else in school, which made me develop strong study habits. Secondly, now that I am in college and I need my grades to stay B’s or above and I am now more committed to keep them that way, making me strongly believe that I will strive to follow through on that commitment and obligation. Lastly, along with my new strength of determination to do well went up, my academic discipline did as well. I now put down my foot and ask myself, “What is more important?” and, “Is it worth to have a few hours of fun after doing well in school for a better future?” …show more content…

I would say that I agree with what the test considered to be my weaknesses. Primarily with my academic self- confidence, as previously stated, knowing that I had always have the feeling that I had to work harder than others to succeed. Another is my social activity, I can see how I scored low in this because I do not enjoy talking to new people for any reason, whether that be to just say hello or to ask for help. After that is steadiness. Personally, I do not understand how I scored low on this, although I could see myself improving how I respond to my feelings

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