
Personal Statement: It's Essential That More People Are More Active?

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n this essay I will be explaining to what extent do I agree with the statement “It’s essential that more people are more active, more often”

On one hand with no exercise or lack of it you will be obese or overweight. Being obese can lower your self esteem and increase your risk for developing depression. Being obese can severely push you back by not being able to do all the things that you want to do, such as simply walking to the park and playing with your kids. Obese people often have a lack of mobility so find it hard to move around and feel like they are incapable of everything, so they’ll eat more due to emotion. This could cause depression relating to the thought of not being good enough.

Moving on to the subject of heart disease, diabetes and many more health problems that obesity could cause. Obesity is a serious matter that has to be dealt with. Obese people are causing the government to have to pay for countless medications and procedures due to health issues. Money that could be spent on something else is having to be spent on medical bills that could have been avoided if they had exercised. Medication including insulin is one of the drugs in highest demand for obese people. Obese adults are also more likely to die under the age of 65 because they are at an increased risk of cardiac arrest. …show more content…

Many children do not want to participate in sports because they want to spend time online gaming. Being an obese child opens you up to ridicule and bullying. This leads to depression, anxiety and no social life. Also with the government and the media pushing exercise it could lead to a whole new epidemic of eating

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