Personal Value Statement Analysis Paper

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A, Five of the questions that were valuable, and that helped me in formulating my mission, vision, and personal value statements 1) Who is my primary customer? Making strategic decisions for determining who it is I am trying to serve, in order to devote the major possible resources to meeting the who or what needs, while at the same time minimizing other resources devoted to everything else. 2) How does my core value prioritize shareholders, employees, and customers? Core values that indicate the order of ranks of the shareholder, employees, and customers, according to each’s interest that comes first when faced with difficult trade-offs. None is either right or wrong, but choosing one of the ranks is necessary. 3) What critical performance variables I am tracking? Getting employees focused on the job by setting the right goals, assigning accountability and monitoring performance. An effort …show more content…

Urging an attempt on innovation is very vital, because people often become too comfortable with their habits, sticking with what they know, and refusing change. Pushing people out of their comfort zone and urging them to create is of utmost importance. B, How these questions helped me to become strategic. There is a reason why it is called strategic; it helped me to think rightly in order to be able to achieve a degree of success both in business and life. They gave me clarity, which makes me to think about the right things that point me to the right path to take in business. It also kept me focused on its possibilities (I mean the things that really matter). Thinking rightly in my business enables me to be focused in gathering insights into my prospective unmet needs, and fully knowledgeable to ask the unaskable but critical questions that many would not ask because it might upset some opinions. C, The question that is most valuable in helping others develop is “How are you generating creative

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