Personality Disorders In The Film Serena

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In the film Serena, Jennifer Lawrence played the protagonist Serena. Serena Shaw had lost her family to a fire. The protagonist, Serena meets a lumber-businessman named, George Pemberton and it was love at first sight. They quickly wed and move to George’s estate. When Serena first relocates to her new home, she adjusts rather rigidly. Her husband’s best friend and partner, Mr. Buchanan immediately hates Serena. Another distasteful acquaintance Serena encounters is, Rachel. She was the woman who her husband had slept with and impregnated. George did provide financial support to Rachel. As time passes, Serena informs her husband that she is pregnant with their first child, but loses her baby die to an accident. She is also told she will never conceive a child and becomes overly distressed. She becomes so anguished that she sets one of George’s men, Galloway on a mission to murder George’s son. The loss of her baby certainly plays a critical role in her mental deterioration, but Serena has been offsetting since the beginning. …show more content…

According to the DSM-5, antisocial personality disorder also consists of traits of hostility and disinhibition and includes impairments in personal functioning and interpersonal functioning. The DSM-5 includes a list of four diagnostic criterions. The first criteria, Criterion A indicates that a person, since the age of fifteen has shown a pattern of overstepping and ignoring others’ rights, with three or more out of seven sub-criterions: Deceit, unlawfulness, impulsivity, recklessness, lack of empathy, and more. Criterion B States that the person be at least eighteen years old. Criterion C requires evidence of antisocial behavior before the age of 15. Criterion D indicates the antisocial behavior did not occur exclusively during schizophrenia or bipolar