Persuasive Animal Surgery

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Surgery isn 't fun for anyone, including your pet. While it is necessary to get your beloved dog spayed, it isn 't fun by any means. After surgery, your pet may be a little lethargic and touchy. This is normal, as your pet has undergone a serious surgery and the anesthesia takes a few hours to wear off. However, if you notice any of these five signs, you should take your pet to an animal hospital immediately:

1. Severe Redness and Swelling

The incision site on your pet must be monitored regularly and closely. What you see when you bring your pet home is considered normal. It will usually appear a little red and a tiny bit swollen. It will usually go away on its own in a few days.

However, severe redness and swelling isn 't normal. It should not progressively …show more content…

3. Vomiting or Diarrhea

Your pet should not be vomiting or having diarrhea after the surgery. While their bowel movements may be softer, it should not be watery. If you notice your pet is vomiting or suffering from diarrhea consistently, take your pet to an emergency hospital immediately. If left unchecked, your pet may become severely dehydrated, which will cause the healing process to slow down significantly. It can also cause general health problems.

4. Unable to Walk Normally

After bringing your pet home, you may notice that they appear to be drunk. They might wobble around when they walk. This is normal, as your pet is still under the effects of anesthesia which affects their nervous system. This “drunk” appearance should wear off within a few hours. If your pet still cannot walk, sit, or function normally the day after the surgery, please consult with a veterinarian.

5. Bleeding

Finally, bleeding is never considered normal after spaying your family dog. While the incision site may leak pink fluid or discharge, it should not be bleeding. If you notice any level of bleeding, please take your pet to an emergency hospital. The incision site may have opened, and that can cause serious