
Persuasive Essay About Adoption

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Adoption is a long, and very complicated process. As troublesome as it may be, sometimes it's the only option available to couples who can't have children on their own. One, or even both partners can be infertile, making childbirth hard, full of risk, and often impossible. Despite the costs, many still choose this method. Being able to have a say in your child can make one feel reassured, if they or their partner have a history with certain conditions or medical issues.

One reason to adopt could be to help the birth mother. In many cases the birth mother is a young teen, who lacks the funding to support both herself and her child. So, rather than struggling through high school, college, and the beginning of her career, she can allow …show more content…

If those in the relationship cannot bear their own children, adoption is a very plausible choice. Even if both parents are completely fertile, in many cases, adoption is still chosen. With adoption, the long nine months of pain, weight gain, and abnormal mental states are no longer an issue. You don’t need to suffer to still have your own children. Whether biological or adopted, children should still be cared for in the same manner. Did you know that 85% of all adoptees ages 6-17 are in extracurricular activities? One understandable reasoning for adoption would be having a choice in your child's physical characteristics. Through natural childbirth, the baby could get the worst genes from both sides. And if you or your partner have a history with medical issues, or it's passed down in the family, adoption is a valid means of having your own child. Would you want to birth a child you know would have heart issues later in life, possibly making his, or her, life hard, and full of surgery? With adoption, if you have the birth parent's information, you can know about the family history, helping prepare you for the

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