Persuasive Essay About Diets

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Diets have been evolving more throughout the years but they are evolving in ways that are affecting one's health. Diets nowadays are based upon fast results and not by research so these diets are misleading many people. They are causing many people to become nutritionally imbalanced. Since many people are uneducated about health and dieting they are not informed by all the risks that diets can cause for one. People are not aware of the causes of diets and how it can damage one's body parts. Consumers are not being educated about their bodies health and how to keep their bodies nutritionally balanced because so many people are not informed with what diets can do to one. For example, one is at risk of getting heart problems and damage their pancreas …show more content…

Therefore the FDA needs to regulate their diet programs to inform Americans on how to keep themselves healthy. Diets are misleading because they are not providing one to be nutritionally balanced instead they are putting many risks on people's health. These diets are evolving for fast results which is affecting one's health instead of maintaining it nutritionally balanced. Also, many americans are becoming less imbalanced because the supplements they are taking in are cutting off their appetite and the nutrients they need. Not only do the supplements that one is taking in cause one to not be nutritionally imbalanced but they can also damage one's body. With the FDA not being consist on the regulation of their diet programs people become more imbalanced with their health because they are not aware. The FDA is lacking on providing information for Americans that go on a diet craze and they need to be able to regulate diet programs to inform Americans on how they can be able to maintain a healthy