Persuasive Essay About Four Day School Week

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Addison Stewart
Mr. Welle
Expos Period 7/8
3 March 2023
The Better Option
“You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself in any direction you choose.”
–Dr. Suess Education is one of the greatest gifts a person can receive. Education has been spread across the world and continues to grow today. Many people believe that education should be five days out of the seven-day week, but are the five days really necessary? The five days at school help teachers and students learn the material, yet most are not recalled from the day before due to exhaustion. Some people may say that four-day school weeks would put kids behind in school and prepare them for their future, but in reality they improve the learning …show more content…

Due to the teachers focusing more on the content, the test scores would improve. Typically, many teachers go off-topic or take days off of topics during the unit and then test the students, causing the student’s scores to decrease depending on the break. During the four-day school week, the students wouldn’t have a break in between learning and the test, improving their scores since the content is still in their minds. Many students have troubles with retaining the information due to the breaks as well, causing them to not do as well on tests as they would hope for. Without the break in content and having more of a focus on the content, the students would improve their scores along with the understanding of the information as well. Besides the test scores of the students improving, the students would also learn more information in class. The teachers would push to get the content done and understood, and the students would be able to learn more as well. Many students across the nation have stated that five-day school weeks make it hard for them to truly learn the material, since most of the teachers are not always focused on learning. With the four-day school weeks, teachers would have to focus on material instead of side projects, benefitting both the students and teachers. The students would benefit from the content constantly moving forward, since they would learn more and retain more as well. The teachers would also benefit from the four days since they would have to do less planning for the week and different projects that the course does not necessarily require. The teachers would have set plans that work for both the students and themselves. The education the students would receive from the teachers would improve during the four-day school

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