Persuasive Essay About Sports Research Paper

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Argumentative Research Essay

Competitive Sports are Beneficial For Youth Competitive sports for youth have been under siege in our modern world. Many problems have risen over the years from the competition, ranging from concussions to an emphasis on athletics over education. However, these issues often overshadow the benefits from it, such as physical fitness, developing long lasting friendships with teammates, and a boost of self-confidence. Although competition in sports can lead to injuries, the positives from playing greatly outnumber the negatives. The popularity of youth athletics continues to rise, with an estimated 45 million children and teenager participants in the US. 75% of US families with school-aged children have at least one child who participates in organized sports. With proper coaching and better equipment being developed everyday, competitive sports for teens can be a fun and safe place to compete against other players and learn valuable life skills while being a part of a team. Competitive sports boost many athlete’s self esteem on and off the court. Athletes also experience lower levels of stress and anxiety than their non-sport counterparts. Team sports are also essential to development in the social part of their lives. Researchers have found that those who are on a sports team …show more content…

For most people, losing weight is a grueling and impossible task. However, sports can make weight loss fun, while developing other skills too. Nationwide, about 1 in every 3 children are obese.(Anahad O'connor, The New York Times) This had led to federal efforts to promote walking and biking to school, instead of commuting by car. However, although it decreases the risk of obesity, it does very little to decrease weight, as people who walk or bike usually live close to school, so it is a leisurely activity. This shows that although commuting to school helps a little, sports can help