Persuasive Essay Against Abortion

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Abortion is a worldwide controversy and contentious issue that has been going on for centuries, which makes abortion a relative topic for ethnical discussion. There are approximately “1.21 million abortions in America each year” (operation rescue). We can no longer ignore an issue that results with such an immense impact. Therefore I believe abortion is murder, leaving 1.21 innocent lives lost when other alternatives could have been taken. The first recorded abortion was in 1550 BCE in ancient Egypt. Women were allowed abortions because of multiple reasons, having a child without being married could lead to the death of the mother or tremendous torture, depending on the culture or religion they were raised in. If a women fell pregnant after she was raped the baby would be terminated from the mother because it was seen as a burden that needed to be forgotten. Nowadays abortion is more common due to the raised …show more content…

The fetus begins to form within a short period of three weeks after conception, and a fetus is a human life that many people feel they can get rid of because it was unplanned or believe is not living. They are wrong, terminating a pregnancy is the killing of an innocent child. The question stands that “one of the most fundamental issues in the debate over abortion is the question of whether a fetus is, in fact, a human being. No one denies that the cells making up the fetus, like the cells in the rest of the woman's body, are living. Rather, the key question is whether the fetus is a distinct human life, one that is independent from the woman in which it develops and one that deserves basic human rights.” (Somodevilla) Around the time when surgical abortions are performed the unborn child’s heart is beating, legs, arms and hands are developing. Although they cant voice their opinion they have rights and obligations to live a full healthy life just like every other human

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