The Pros And Cons Of Abortion

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Abortion is Murder Abortion is the name given to any medical procedure that terminates a pregnancy. Abortion was first made legal in the United States in 1973 with the Supreme Court’s decision on Roe v Wade. Abortion can be done with a variety of methods, including physically removing the fetus with tools or with chemicals that kill the fetus and cause contractions to remove the aborted fetus. There were over 926,200 abortions performed in 2014. This essay will prove, in multiple senses, that abortion is the willful murder of developing humans. Life objectively starts at the conception of the child. Life, in the Merriam-Webster dictionary, is defined as, “…state characterized by capacity for metabolism, growth, reaction to stimuli, and reproduction” …show more content…

The Bible claims life even before conception and prohibits the killing of children in the womb. “5 Before I formed thee in the bowels of thy mother, I knew thee: and before thou camest forth out of the womb, I sanctified thee, and made thee a prophet unto the nations.” (The Holy Bible: Douay-Rheims 1350). This verse states that The Lord knows all humans even before their conception, and sanctifies them in the womb. This means that all fetuses have a connection with the Most Holy and are a sanctified member of His Church. “22 If men quarrel, and one strike a woman with child, and she miscarry indeed, but live herself: he shall be answerable for so much damage as the woman's husband shall require, and as arbiters shall award. 23 But if her death ensue thereupon, he shall render life for life.” (The Holy Bible: Douay-Rheims 148). This verse says that if a man causes a woman to miscarry, that man shall own the woman’s husband all that he requires. If the woman dies from the damage, which is an occurrence, as “between 1973-2012, 427 women have died as a result of legal abortion” (CDC), then the man shall be killed. Abortion is applicable in this verse, as abortion is a man willfully causing the failure of a …show more content…

This argument is flawed in a myriad of ways. In most cases, a woman did voluntarily choose to engage in intercourse. According to a post-abortion survey, less than 0.5% of the women receiving an abortion were impregnated from a rape. (Finer, Frohwirth, Dauphinee, Singh, and Moore 114). A fetus is not a part of a woman’s body; it is a separate entity entirely. The DNA of the fetus is unique from the mother’s DNA. The fetus is secluded from the mother by the amniotic sac, with the umbilical cord itself even being separated by the placenta. Nutrients transfuse through the placenta to reach the fetus. In all manner, the fetus is a completely separate organism from the mother. The fact that a fetus must rely on its mother is in no manner grounds for abortion, as many post-birth babies rely on machines or incubators due to birth defects or an early birth. Many elderly persons rely on others to feed, hydrate, and otherwise care for them. In both of these extrauterine conditions, the person cannot physically sustain themselves. However, it would be illegal and largely considered immoral to kill persons in these situation. The fact that a fetus relies on the mother for life does not make it a parasite or an unwanted growth, it makes it a developing human without the capacity to care for itself. Thus, with all the evidence presented, it can be concluded that the fetus is